During this time of unprecedented chaos, anxiety, and OPPORTUNITY to live out our faith, the Board of United for Life to His Glory and Team ThriVe have determined to continue to share the message of LIFE both eternal and physical! After many hours of prayer and fasting, it has become more clear to us that the abortion tragedy, not only in our nation but around the world (largely funded by USA dollars) is at the root of the demise of our society. Abortion and the acceptance of sexual perversion as individual human rights have placed the laws of our nation and much of organized religion in opposition to our God. In God’s economy, where there is life there is hope. We believe that the time is now for those of us called by His name, to humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our WICKED ways!!! If we, His Church will repent, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sin and HEAL OUR LAND. Let us prayerfully ponder vs. 13 of 2 Chronicles as well when God speaks clearly “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, THEN if My people ...” We plead with you to pray as never before. Ask Him, “have I done all I can to end abortion and stand for sexual purity?” Listen. He will answer. As concerns about COVID-19 continue, we are following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and taking precautions to help keep staff, volunteers, and clients safe and healthy. Conversations are ongoing with our Board of Directors, Medical Director, Medical Services Team, and our Executive Leadership Team. Additionally our professional affiliation with Heartbeat International is providing an extension of support.

We leverage your stewardship and support to ensure that ThriVe Express Savannah is always prepared and equipped to defend and protect human life! As many of you know, abortionists, predators and all manner of evil flourish when God’s people back away. Thank you for your ongoing support! We stand strong in times of adversity because you are not shaken and remain determined to do your part that we might help others overcome! We take the destruction caused by this pandemic very seriously as we continue to pray for our friends worldwide affected by the Coronavirus.
This is an interesting time in our world, and a time to join together in prayer for peace, healing and provision.
Don’t miss our MIRACULOUS PRAISE REPORT below! To God be the glory, great things He continues to do THROUGH us!
Praying His peace over you,
Paula Kinard, Executive Director